I offer mindful reflexology and Hawaiian massage which includes an abdominal massage to soothe the liver and bowel, from my garden cabin in Stroud, please use my contact page to book in or ring for a free consultation…
Today I am going to focus on the liver as it is implicated in poor digestion,hormone balance, the menopause, weight management, psoriasis and other conditions so it is vital to reduce the pressure load on this organ and to support it as best we can holistically. Some tips to reduce pressure on your liver include: –
Book yourself in for some reflexology, as it can help balance, de-stress and deeply relax the body, and is an excellent holistic treatment for boosting all the internal organs of the body; minimise alcohol and caffeine; exercise regularly; try bitter herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion, though always seek professional advice first; eat biter foods such as artichoke and chicory, short grain brown rice is easy on the liver and it appreciates beetroot, carrots, peppermint, lemon, blueberries and blackberries; practice deep breathing; self-abdominal massage; eat at least 3 hours before bed-time; sleep on your left hand side and add a little seaweed to your food…
Next post: Blueberry and Beetroot ‘liver supporting’ smoothie…
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